Cell Isolation

Isolation Screenshot


Picks up and places a cell.

Two pick-up modes are available, in-contact pick-up for lightly adherent cells and aspiration pick-up for cells in suspension.

Isolation B
Behaviour over time of a pick-up done by aspiration and place operation. If pick-up mode is selected, the probe remains in contact with the object after approach and applies the configured pressure for the desired amount of time instead of retracting immediately.


Pick-Up Mode
This step approaches towards the surface and applies the configured vacuum once the probe touches the selected cell. After the configured duration expired, the system retracts from the surface again.
Aspiration Mode
This step searches for surface contact, retracts and supports the user to ‘fish’ for cells. One a cell is attached to the probe, it applies a transfer pressure and moves to the selected destination well’s center.

Selecting the target position can be done within the workflow by clicking on the desired well. Already processed wells are marked with green color. The target well to move to next is marked blue and its name indicated below.


The visualization is only indicative and any well can be selected as target, even already processed ones.


The deposition step performs a pre-release of the cell and then approaches to the surface according to the configured parameters. Afterwards, the probe hovers slightly above the surface for the configured duration and then slowly retracts by the configured distance and increasing the pressure. An additional lateral motion is applied to make it simpler to visually confirm that the operation succeeded.


Safety step to remove potentially attached cells or debris.


Parameter Description
Surface Approach Speed How fast the probe approaches and retracts
Surface Approach Setpoint The probe deflection value at which the approach will be stopped
Cell Height Distance by which the probe will be retracted after approach (Aspirate only)
Pick Duration How long probe and object remain in contact (Pick-up only)
Pick Pressure Pressure to be applied during contact (Pick-up only)
Holding Pressure The pressure applied during transfer

Deposition Contact Force The probe deflection value at which the approach will be stopped
Release Pressure Pressure applied after approach to detach the cell
Contact Time Duration after approach and before retraction for which probe remains idle

Flushing Pressure Overpressure to apply for cleaning the probe and its channel
Flushing Time Duration during which Flushing Pressure is applied