

  • Print from file workflow supports direct printing from image files
  • The two isolation workflows were merged into a single one and the implementation of well-to-well transfers was improved. Furthermore, a way to keep track of already processed wells was added.
  • Added ability to optically scan plate wells
  • Exporting an annotated image now shows both point id and iteration id for injections conducted by a calibration sweep
  • Fixed: In rare cases the setting file was reset
  • Fixed: Injection workflow could not be canceled in sporadic cases
  • Fixed: Microscope was not always shut down in a clean way and could not be initialized on subsequent starts


  • New isolation workflow to pick and place cells in suspension
  • Addition of an observation mode in which wells cannot be entered
  • Volume calculator displays injection point in image
  • Signal maximization plot can be saved
  • Tool-generated xy moves can now be cancelled
  • Improve lens positioning tool
  • Additional parametrization
  • Fixed: System did not always wait for xy motion termination before recording an image or starting an approach operation


  • Shift-click in navigation tool activates per-well centering
  • Properties such as sensitivity are now displayed for individual spectroscopy curves as well. Inherited values are displayed differently.
  • Increased robustness in positioning logic and better feedback. Unified point handling.
  • Ability to focus onto the probe
  • Add support for custom position patterns in plates
  • Add more details to error messages
  • Add support for motorized filter slider


  • New annotation option in exported images allows to trace back injection points
  • Accelerate image previews
  • Increase responsiveness when displaying point groups
  • Support exporting multiple individual files at once (ctrl-click)
  • Headers of exported files are now prefixed with a hashtag to simplify parsing
  • Creation date of exported files is set to their acquisition timestamp
  • Increase robustness in barcode driver implementation


  • Already processed points can be visualized in navigation tool and video feed
  • Automatic, additional retraction when moving to far-away points
  • Automatic recovery of washing sequences
  • Faster data loading operations
  • Fixed: Applying the same plate type on left and right port caused the content height parameter to be ignored


  • Option to recover defined yet unprocessed points
  • Automatic, additional retraction when moving to far-away points
  • Extend volume calculator to support timelapse-style reporting


  • Option to tag plates with names and ability to resume experiment containers.
  • Optional retraction of lenses when passing plates.
  • Fixed: The system allowed xy positioning that would lead to a crash between nose and well. This has been corrected for the built-in 12 and 24 well plates. Furthermore, the bottom height of the built-in 6 well plate has been corrected as well.
  • Fixed: Data manager did not show the last item of a group.
  • Fixed: The stiffness computation resulted in too low values. Reason was the erroneous determination of quality factors which were passed on to the spring constant formula. To obtain corrected results simply re-run the computation on the original measurement data.